Gelish LED Lamp 18G Unplugged Light (Wireless)

Gelish LED Lamp 18G Unplugged Light (Wireless)
Gelish LED Lamp 18G Unplugged Light (Wireless)
Gelish LED Lamp 18G Unplugged Light (Wireless)

Gelish LED Lamp 18G Unplugged Light (Wireless)

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Giá cả phải chăng $324.99 Giá bán $243.99
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  • Có câu hỏi nào không? Gọi / Nhắn tin cho chúng tôi theo số 949-829-2897
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Whether moving from nail table to pedicure station — or taking your skills on the road — now you're ready to roam with the innovative Gelish® 18G UNPLUGGED™ Professional Mobile LED Light! Designed to outperform the rest, 18G UNPLUGGED™ is the first LG lithium battery powered LED light engineered using Gelish's®exclusive Intelligent Power Assist&trade - advanced circuitry that eliminates inconsistent power levels when used in battery mode. From the moment the Gelish® 18G UNPLUGGED™ Professional Mobile LED Light is on battery, power is managed and monitored with real-time power levels made visible by our large display. And, the Gelish® 18G UNPLUGGED™ Professional Mobile LED Light comes fully loaded with all the gold-standard, high-performance features you love about the Gelish® 18G Professional LED Light, including Comfort Cure, plus exclusive technology designed to meet the demands of mobility! 


Gelish 18G Unplugged LED Light Features:

  • Intelligent Power Assist™
  • 36 Watts of Power
  • Rechargeable Lithium Battery
  • Built-In Handle
  • Real Time Battery/Power Level
  • Comfort Cure™ Setting
  • SafeLight™ Technology
  • Patented eyeShield™
  • Countdown Feature
  • Cures All Five Fingers And Toes
  • Scratch And Acetone Resistant
  • High Intensity Diamond Reflectors
  • Magnetic tray for easy sanitizing and pedicure services
  • No slip, pedicure friendly buttons
  • Meets standard safety compliances world wide
  • One year limited warranty 

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