Bare Soak Deluxe Spa Pedicure & Manicure 5 in 1 - Peppermint

Bare Soak Deluxe Spa Pedicure & Manicure  5 in 1 - Peppermint
Bare Soak Deluxe Spa Pedicure & Manicure  5 in 1 - Peppermint
Bare Soak Deluxe Spa Pedicure & Manicure  5 in 1 - Peppermint

Bare Soak Deluxe Spa Pedicure & Manicure 5 in 1 - Peppermint

Giá cả phải chăng $74.99
  • Giao hàng miễn phí cho đơn hàng trên $75
  • Có câu hỏi nào không? Gọi / Nhắn tin cho chúng tôi theo số 949-829-2897
  • Thanh toán an toàn
  • Sắp hết hàng - Còn lại 1 mặt hàng
  • Hàng tồn kho trên đường
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BareSoak - Peppermint (50 Pcs)

Bare Soak it’s a 𝟓 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐩𝐬 𝐏𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐞 & 𝐌𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐮𝐫𝐞 system to protect, soften, and moisturize your skin.

1~ Ocean Salt: Relieve muscle pain and stiffness. Softens skin and neutralizes odor.
2~ Complexion Scrub: Exfoliate the skin and remove dry and dead skin cells.
3~ Brilliant Mask: Restores a healthy rosy glow to the skin.
4~ Silk Lotion: 
Draws moisture deep into the skin, supercharging skin hydration.
5 - Bonus~ Callus Treatment

Be soothed, cooled and comforted by the refreshingly therapeutic aromas of all natural aloe extract.

1 Case includes 50 pieces 


  • Relaxing scents
  • Products simplicity
  • Time management
  • State board friendly
  • Guaranteed cleanliness
  • Inventory management
  • Gentle and nourishing exfoliation
  • Guaranteed new package per service
  • Box compactly sized for limited space

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